Site adress:
Norkalsitt AS
7960 Salsbruket, Norway
Tel: +47 74398530
Fax: +47 74398555
Cell: +47 94133841
* Privately owned company
* Secure Large Marble Deposit
* Large Production Capacity
* Substantial high quality resources
* Own quay next to deposit
* Ships size up to 8.000 tonnes
* 30.000 m2 stockpile area at quay
Office address:
Norkalsitt AS
Gråkamveien 14C
NO-0779 Oslo, Norway
Tel: +47 22139314
Fax: +47 22139315
Cell: +47 90934556
E-mail: norock.co@online.no
Norkalsitt reg.no. NO 956 744 865